Saturday 8 October 2011

About Me

Marty suggested it might be nice that we all introduce ourselves and so if contributors could write a short biog. and add it like I'm doing now that would be great!

Michael Leigh (wastedpapiers, Kollage Kid, A1)

I was born in 1947 and went to several art schools including Southend, Manchester and Chelsea where I gained my post graduate degree in painting in 1971. I didn't discover my true love for collage really until 1980 when I joined the international mail art network and started making small books, postcards, 'zines etc. and realised what great fun collage could be. Inspired by such people as Schwitters, Ernst, Hannah Hoch, Peter Blake, Richard Hamilton etc. I rarely exhibit but much prefer to send my work through the post and exchange it and now with the growth of the internet I share it on blogs such as this one.

Here is one of my many blogs. You can find the rest by clicking on my name on the Contributors list at the bottom of the page.

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